CalendarEvents of Sea Defense - Edo
Kanei16 1639 National isolation regime was established by the fifth National Isolation Edict. -
Tenmei6 1786 Shihei Hayashi advocated the necessity of Sea Defense in his book titled Kaikoku Heidan (Strategy of maritime defense) -
Kansei 4 1792 Laxman of the delegation of Imperial Russia visited Japan. -
Bunka 1 1804 Nicolai Rezanov visited Japan as Russian ambassador to Japan. -
Bunka 5 1808 Phaeton Incident at Nagasaki Harbor. Great Britain Loyal Navy ship invaded into Japan. -
Bunka 8 1811 Golovnin Incident. Russian explorer and naval captain Vasily Golovnin was captured by shognate. -
Bunsei 8 1825 Edict to Repel Foreign Vessels -
Tenpou 8 1837 Morison Incident. American merchant ship Morison was driven away by shognate’s cannon fire. -
Tenpou 10 1839 Egawa Tarozaemonhidetatsu proposed to the Shogunate to build Daiba or Fort in the sea. -
Tenpou 11 1840 First Opium War. Qing dynasty was defeated. -
Tenpou 13 1842 Issue of Shin-sui kyuyo Rei ( Issue of Decree that permit providing foreign vessels with fuel and water). -
Kaei 6 1853 The USA dispatched Matthew Perry of an East India fleet admiral to Japan. -
Kaei 6 1853 The Putyatin fleet from Russia arrived at Nagashaki. -
Kaei 6 1853 Shognate launched the construction of Shinagawa daiba (Shinagawa artillery battery). -
Ansei5 1858 Conclusion of the Treaty of Amity and Commerce between Japan and the USA. -
Keio 3 1867 Taisei Hokan (Return of the power back to the Emperor) and the restoration of Imperial Rule
- Meiji
Meiji 4 1871 Aritomo Yamagata subumitted Gunbi Ikensho (Armament opinion) -
Meiji 5 1872 The Meiji new government created the Ministries of Army and Navy. -
Meiji 6 1873 Colonel Charles Marquerie submitted Kaigan Bougyo Houan (National Sea Coast Defense Bill) -
Meiji 8 1875 Hisataka Kuroda subimitted in the joint names Kaigan Bougyo Houan (Sea Coast Defense Bill) -
Meiji 8 1875 Lt. Colonel Munier jointly submitted Nihonkoku Nanbukaigan Bougyo Houan (Japan South Sea Coast Defense Bill) -
Meiji 13 1880 Construction of No. 1 and No. 2 Kannonzaki artilally batteris were started. -
Meiji 14 1881 No.1 Sea Fort Construction was started.
Meiji 20 1887 Construction of Artificial Island for No.1 Sea Fort was finished. -
Meiji 22 1889 No.2 Sea Fort Construction was started. -
Meiji 23 1890 Imperia Army Staff HQ planned Kaigan Bougyokeika- ku Taiko (General Plan of Sea Coast Defense Plan) -
Meiji 23 1890 Construction of upper structure of No.1 Sea Fort was completed. -
Meiji 25 1892 No.3 Sea Fort construction was started. -
Meiji 27 1894 Sino-Japanese War -
Meiji 32 1899 Construction of Artificial Island for No.2 Sea Fort was completed. -
Meiji 32 1899 Proclamation of Yosai Chitai Hou (Fortress Zone Bill) and Gunji Hogo Hou (Military Secrets Act) -
Meiji 33 1900 Construction of upper structure of No.2 Sea Fort was started. -
Meiji 37 1904 Russo-Japanese War -
Meiji 39 1906 Japanese Army probided US Army with information regarding Tokyo Bay Sea Forts Construction. -
Meiji 40 1907 Construction of artificial island for No.3 Sea Fort was completed.
- Taisho
Taisho 3 1914 Construcion of upper structure of No.2 Sea Fort was completed. -
Taisho 3 1914 World War I -
Taisho 10 1921 Construcion of upper structure of No.3 Sea Fort was completed. -
Taisho 12 1923 The Great Kanto Earthquake
- Showa
Showa 6 1931 Manchurian Incident -
Showa 6 1931 Imperial Japanese Navy asked free usage of No.2 Sea Fort to Imperial Japanese Army. -
Showa 16 1941 Pacific War -
Showa 20 1945 The Pacific War ended and US Forces took over Tokyo Bay Fortress. -
Showa 30 1955 No.2 Sea Fort was returened to Japan from US Forces Japan.